U n ME makes WE...

tHe PuLsE oF mY bEaUtIfUl MiNd... ThE cOlOr Of My DaZzL'n ThOtS... I sAy ThIs CoZ "ItZ mY oWn BlOg" :)

iTz M y TiMe

Vitamins are nutrients that allow chemical reactions that lead to the creation of bone, tissue and muscle. During growth, a child needs vitamins that are in what he eats. Nutrients and the vitamins in them are the only building blocks he has. The benefits of vitamins amongst other is to be a fundamental building block. In adults vitamins maintain good health. Vitamins ensure the functioning of the nervous system, vitamins also allow the body to use calories as energy, process proteins carbs and fats.

The human organism requires the benefits of 13 vitamins. These vitamins are listed below. They are generally classified according to 2 criteria. The first according to toxicity and the second whether they are soluble in water or in fat. Water soluble vitamins do not stay in the body for very long, thus it is required to bring daily vitamins in the daily diet.

The human body can store its vitamins anywhere between 2 weeks and 1 year depending on the the specifics of that vitamin. The water soluble vitamins have the short end of the stick as they tend to need more regular replenishing. When the respective levels of vitamins drop critically, then deficiencies start to appear. Some deficiencies can be sever and lead to pain, shut down of certain bodily functions and in some underdeveloped countries, death. The benefits of vitamins, when plentiful on the other hand, can boost energy levels, protect the immune system and even slow down the aging process.

The following pictures tells more clearly about Vitamins...


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