U n ME makes WE...

tHe PuLsE oF mY bEaUtIfUl MiNd... ThE cOlOr Of My DaZzL'n ThOtS... I sAy ThIs CoZ "ItZ mY oWn BlOg" :)

iTz M y TiMe

Einsten's postulate of Time Dilation-ABrilliant Interpretation

(The Special Theory of Relativity)

There was a little girl called Bright

Who could travel faster than light;

She departed one day

In the Einsteinean way

Only to return back the previous night.

Then which is false ?: Einstein's Relativity


the maxim "Time once lost cant be regained"..

(P.S.: No particle or body can practically be accelerated to the velocity of light!!)


If zero times infinity is indeterminate

(zero signifies void and Infinity describes the Universe)

Then should we be taught metaphysics before we are taught the concept of Limits?

If yes, then why the hell has the Indian Vedic system made metaphysics the end of the Vedas , the Vedanta ?


There was a man from Trinity

Who tried to compute square root of infinity;

The number of digits gave him fidgets;

He gave up Maths and took up divinity.


Power =Work done/time taken --(1)

Time =Work/Power --(2)

Time is Money ; Knowledge is Power

So relation (2) becomes

Money =Work/Knowledge --(3)

When knowledge is zero,Money is Infinity

Then why Study????


Hypothesis: Study lessons=Fail in exams

Proof: Study lessons=Don't fail in exams --(1)

Don't study Lessons=Fail in exams --(2)


Study Lessons(1+don't)=fail in exams(1+don't)

Study Lessons=Fail in exams

Conclusion: Left to ur discrimination :)



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