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tHe PuLsE oF mY bEaUtIfUl MiNd... ThE cOlOr Of My DaZzL'n ThOtS... I sAy ThIs CoZ "ItZ mY oWn BlOg" :)

iTz M y TiMe

You might love listening to your favorite music on your ipod, but a survey conducted by the Australian hearing corporation has revealed more than 70 percent of the young adults are losing their hearing power by usage of head phones . many youngsters suffer from the first sign of hearing loss with tinnitus or ringing in the ear ,which may be due to listening to music played at dangerously loud level through head phones.

Its is a real surprise because that was actually more common than the older respondents.Mostly for the younger people it doesn't happen when the usage of head phones is minimum.And a survey report of the Australian hearing corporation says that two thirds of the people listened to the music and of those, 60 percent plays music at dangerous loud levels and add that it could just takes few weeks time to disable the persons hearing capability.

The risk of damage occurs in two stages when people go to concerts and noisy venues of which both occurs in the inner ear and in which one is temporary and one is permanent.

We tend to notice the temporary loss of hearing and we notice it come back again in the next day or two.What we don't notice is that at the same time through a different mechanism theres a permanent loss going on.

Using of head phones is unavoidable, but protect our health is the first concern.Usage of head phones at the considerable amount volume protects us from hearing problems.Using head phones in dangerous volume levels may even shatter our hearing capability to hear some of music tracks

Know more about: Top 5 Ways To Protect Your Hearing


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