U n ME makes WE...

tHe PuLsE oF mY bEaUtIfUl MiNd... ThE cOlOr Of My DaZzL'n ThOtS... I sAy ThIs CoZ "ItZ mY oWn BlOg" :)

iTz M y TiMe

I wud say, Bill Gates is more than a living legend... I'm a gr8 fan of him..

After his 33 yrs of life in Microsoft Corp., now hez get'n into a new line of farming, as he pledged $306 million in grants to develop farming in poor countries, leading the charge for corporate responsibility at a major meeting of business chiefs.

Watz up now guyz??? Is he go'n to start a his new business Corp. Farmosoft ??? lolzzzzzz :)
Tats really gonna be a big question...

As we all know that his Microsoft Corp. has made a huge revolution in the IT industry, hez actually capable of building another Farmosoft... There had alwayz been a cold war between major companies like Apple, Google, IBM, the Linux world and many more... I mean itz gonna be like wow, if he does some kinda revolution in Farming, again there wud be many Coprs. like FarMac, Farmoogle, Farmux to compete him, there will be darstic effect , something like there may not be any IT guy, and that we'll find engg. do'n farming...(Don feel that I've gone nutz)

Aite, am sorry my dreams apart, now com'n to the point... Mr. Gates is capable of do'n one such thing... And itz been a really gud thing that his Foundation has taken new paths

Philanthopy -> Bill Gates plans to step full time into this frenetic growth spurt, serving as philanthropist in chief of an organization with a global mission and a current endowment the size of the gross domestic product of Lithuania.

Techno-humanitarian -> Mr.Gates appears to focus more attention on the science funded by his philanthropy - such as the search for an effective malaria vaccine - than on social and educational programs. It's a habit that has given ammunition to those who complain that the Gates Foundation prefers "techno-fix" solutions and tends to avoid more important, complex ones.

Creative capitalism -> "There are also things around creative capitalism," said Gates, referring to the phrase he used at the 2008 World Economic Forum to describe his notion of redirecting the profit motive toward helping the planet's poorest. It is an idea he believes in, but one that many critics dismiss as, at best, wishful thinking and, at worst, a billionaire's attempt to gild over a largely exploitive system with a shiny layer of moral repurposing.

Currently, about half of the Gates Foundation's money in the global health arena is being thrown at vaccines - finding new ones against malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS, as well as improving the distribution of existing vaccines in poor countries.

Vaccines -> "There hadn't been much investment in vaccines, partly because of the marketplace," Gates said. Drug companies don't make much money on vaccines, he said, and have recently tended to invest mostly in drugs.

And now hez gonna stick to this foundation and its for sure that hez gonna do something gr8 in any of the above said field..

I wud like to end this post by one of quote that i liked the most:
" Itz not ur mistake if u r born Poor, but itz totally ur mistake if u die Poor"..

Get some of his special quotes here



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